"one day your life will flash before your eyes, so lets make sure its worth watching"
well, i know some of you reading this might have watched this video and might be from my facebook. but since i really had something to relate with this vid, so i posted it here in blog. moreover, i think its been a while since ive posted something here. heheee.
last few days, just had this little conversation with my circlemates. bout our mission/target in life. what do we looking for. i spilled out certain things that i'd thought about quite a long time since i watched a video at youtube maybe. couldnt recalled what was the title. but the content was something like this "lepas ni dpt dgree. lepastu kerja. lepastu buat master, buat phd. dapat dr, dpt title itu ini. lepastu ? is thats all we're looking for ? kalau dah dapat semua tu, nak buat apa ?". then one of them said, thats why we are here. we need to balance the 'dunia and akhirat'. jadikan semua yang kita buat tu bukan sia sia macam tu je. apa je yang kita buat, belajar, kerja, niat ikhlas kerana Allah, niat untuk kembangkan Islam. insyaAllah semua tu bukan sia sia, tapi as an ibadah.
and there, this video posted by kak kimah. watching this, yeah pretty much related to what we've been talking about. bak kata shamim : alat and matlamat. sama! :)) betapa hidup kita jadi sangat bermakna kan bila tahu tentang matlamat dan tujuan sebeanr kita hidup ni? =) mim rasa, mcm ditiupkan satu nafas kehidupan baru bila tahu matlamat kita. seakan hidup ini bukan satu benda yang sia sia. ♥ awwhh, Allahu Akbar! :D
yeah, kak ili pun suka sebut alat n matlamat. keep reminding us dunia ni cuma alat untuk mencapai matlamat akhirat.
InsyaAllah. jom kita maknakan hidup sama sama ^_^
alat dan matlamat.
absolutely, right. alat dan matlamat. hidup di bumi Allah ni bukan untuk sia-sia. ada tujuannya. So do i. masih mencari-cari tujuan hidup. hope i'll get the answer someday. biiznillah. :)
afiq ! ;D
zaty : insyaAllah. apa apa buat pun kembali balik padaNya, insyaAllah u'll find the answer u're looking for (:
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