What i write is a part of me, mylife and my thoughts. It may be different from what u thought I am. But this is me and oh, THANKS for dropping by ;))

June 27, 2010

satu lagi~

another tag from AIN yg tergendala nk buat haritue ;p

Listkan 23 perkara tentang kamu. tak kisah la either facts or myths.

1. orang mest pggil bdk kecik.
2. suka biru
3. baru 19, muda lagi ;p
4. talkative
5. suka baca conan
6. suka hlovate
7. tak suka cik 'batuapi'
8. anak bongsu
9. manja
10. suka lagu oldies
11. suka makan spaghetti
12. aiskrim fav!
13. tak reti shopping
14. suka berjalan
15. hobi baru tgk mentalist
16. kadang kadang pendiam
17. kadang kadang susah nk adapt new situation
18. teringin nak peg camping skarang
19. smiles ;)
20. tak kerja lagi
21. nak habiskan acca tahun depan kalau boleh ;p
22. tak makan nenas
23. mungkin pelik dimata anda ;p

1.Besides your lips , where is the favourite spot to get kissed ?
forehead kot ?

2. How did you feel when you woke up this morning ?
malasnyeee nak bangun~

3. Who was the last person / people you took a photo with?

4. Would you consider yourself spoiled ?
yes. guess so ;p

5. Will you ever donate blood ?
want to, tp takuuut. heheee

6. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
used to have one.

7. Do you want someone to be dead?
nope tp want that person out of my sight ;)

8. What does your last text message say ?
cant find myphone. tak igt ;p

9. What are you thinking right now?
knape seroja da tetapkan bilik ? tak sukeee ;(

10. Do you want someone to be with you right now ?
sisters pls! 

11. What was the time you went to bed last night ?
2.28 am

12. Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now ?
afiq belikan dulu. tatau kt mane.

13. Is someone on your mind right now ?

14. Who was the last person(s) who text you ?
baby or haja kot ? 

TEN Lucky Person to do this quiz...
-adoi ramainyeee~

1. kak as
2. kak kiwan
3. anyz
4. fathini
5. Nina
6. shuk
7. kak nisha
8. bayaa
9. zikay
10. fikri

15. Who is no.2 having a relationship with ?
us around her. kan kak kiwan ;)

16. Is no.3 a male or a female ?
female ofcoz

17. If no.7 and no.10 get together , would it be a good?
err ? taley imagine ;p

18. What is no.1 studying about ?
she's a medic student dan sangat super bz skarang ;p

19. When was the last time you chatted with them ?
mereka sume ? urm, ade yg baru ade yg sgt lamee. huhuuu

20.Is no.4 single ?
hahaa. are u thini? ;p

21. Say something about no.2
caring ! ;D

22. What do you think about no.3 & no.6 together ?
hahaa dua dua shopaholic! mmg padan kalau jmpe ;p

23. Describe no.9 .
die cool! hahaaa;p

24. What will you do if no.6 n no.7 fight ?
mereka kenal pon tidak ;p

25. Do you like 8 ?
yeap. she's partner ;)

June 25, 2010

buat tag jom ;D

Got 2 tags dari AIN. tapi harini nak buat 1 dulu. heheee ;p

1] Adakah anda happy sekarang?
boleh dikatakan happy! ;)

2] Apakah benda yang boleh membuat anda happy?
bercakap, makan, bace novel, online, tgk tv, jmpe kwn dan seterusnya. hahaa

3] Pernahkan anda menerima tag?

4] Nyatakan warna yang anda suka.
biru! hijau. oren. putih. hitam.

5] Berikan 10 orang yang anda mahu tag. Sila beritahu kepada orang yang anda mahu tag supaya dapat respond.

1. kak as
2. kak kiwan
3. thini
4. anyz
5. shuk
6. nana
7. nina
8. zikay
9. fikri
10. zatie

6] Nyatakan sesuatu tentang orang yang anda tag. Nak tulis panjang berjela pun takpe, asalkan anda happy (err, mls nk tulis pnjang2, ikut ain jelaa. hahaaa)

Kak As : my best best friend! :D
Kiwan, Anyz, Thini : UiTM's friends. sygg korg! ;D

Shuk, Nana : Childhood friends. rinduuu korg! ;)
Nina, Zikay, Fikri : Kawan mase sekolah. rinduuu jgak ;D
zatie : yg nie kenal kt tenet je. dan die bdk spm tahun nie. hehehee ;p

7] Ni soalan cepu emas nih. Adakah anda happy dengan apa yang anda ada?
Alhamdulillah happy je ;)

June 24, 2010


salam ;)
atlast dapat jugak nk buat satu entry. dah lame nak buat since habis exam haritu, tapi banyak pulak aktiviti lain, and thanx to a fren of mine (thini) yang suruh kte update blog with a good threat! hahaa ;p.. bukan taknak buat, tapi kalau buat rushing-rushing nie, nant tulis pun merepek je, buat ape kan ? [bajet slame ni tulis tak merepek laa ;p]

Make new friends but keep the old, some are silver and others are Gold
-Author unknown-

oke back to topic.. pernah dgr tak quote above ? sure pernah kan. my posts before nie pun pernah tulis banyak kali. tp still, suke sangat the quote. simple yet meaningful. tak perlu explain banyak banyak pun rasenye da boleh faham maksud die kan ? straightforwad je. Cause life is a journey and as we walk, we will find new friends along the way. And yes, we might felt that, 'oh, diorg nie sporting, sekepala, boleh jd geng laa ' . tapi ingat tak, mase mula2 kita jmpe kawan lame kita, macam tu jugak kita fikir kan ? cuma sebab diorang tak suke apa kita suka sekarang or diorang tak boleh buat ape kita buat, so diorang dah tak sporting, dah tak geng laa ? i believe, friends may not share everything in common, but thats what we need to learn about each other. thats the joy in friendship that we would always remember ;).

And, i've read an article that says, 

Sahabat sejati adalah orang-orang yang dapat berkata-kata benar denganmu, dan bukan orang-orang yang dapat membenarkan kata-katamu.

tahu tak, orang yang mengapi-apikan kita yang tengah panas tu sebenarnya bukanla sahabat sebenar ? weird huh ? yet i agree. for me, a friend should be the one who help us to see things on the bright side, to calm us down when we're mad, they doubles our joy and divide our grief, not doubles our grief. kita mungkin rasa, kalau kita marah orang, kawan yang sokong kita tue kawan terbaik. Dia sokong kita kutuk orang tu, dia sokong kita balas dendam, dia sokong kita lawan balik, kenakan orang tu balik tapi dia sebenarnya sokong kita buat dosa buat ape kan ? kawan yang baik ialah kawan yang sokong kita untuk berubah, sokong kita buat kebaikan, sokong kita untuk bersabar, sokong kita untuk tabah, kawan yang tunjuk apa yang baik, apa yang buruk. Susah sebenarnya nak jumpe yang macamtu, so kalau korang rase korang ade kawan macamtu, do appreciate, treasure them sebab diorang laa kawan yang terbaik Allah hantar untuk jadi teman kita kat dunia nie ;)

im not sure if what i wrote does mean anything to you, but it does mean something to me. its what i felt deep inside and what i've learnt this few days. I know, im not that kind of friend too, but im trying hard to be one. I hope i could be a someone that can be called 'sahabat sejati', someone who can be the silver and the gold. And to my friends, thanks for always been there for me, i know im not perfect, i know im a bad friend but you guys would always be there, and im thankful for that ;)